Sunday September 19th, 2021 | 12pm-4pm PDT on ZOOM
Lurking deep within our subconscious minds lie our deepest fears, lies we believe about ourselves, judgements about the world, and contracts we made in childhood to either mirror or over-correct the behaviors of those who harmed us. But our ego will not let us see these things we do (that's its job, after all), and thus we sometimes attract people, plot lines, and pain to show us where our wounding is.
Polyamory is a journey of paradox and irony-- one in which, through the pursuit of many relationships, we are ultimately lead back to ourselves. But until we face all of ourselves, even the parts we were taught to bury in shame, we will continue to sabotage our happiness and success, and often we are left feeling like it is all out of our control; we become victims to our own unconscious habits.
On 9/19/21, join Remodeled Love's Jessica Levity Daylover on a journey to look into the Mirror. As your shepherd up the mountain of Shadow, Jessica will hold the space for you to see what is ready to be seen. She will also serve as a constant reminder that there is nothing you can see in yourself that is not inside each and every one of us.
You will leave this workshop with:
The ability to seek, find, and look at your Shadow.
Tools for integrating the Shadow when imbalance or self-sabotaging behaviors come into your life.
Ideas about ways in which polyamory tends to trigger your Shadow, and how this is actually a powerful tool for personal evolution.
A grand reminder of the metaphysics behind shadow work-- that it is through the loving acceptance of all of your sides, the light and the dark, that we live a healthy life.
DISCLAIMERS: 1) This is not a "safe space" in the traditional sense of the word; but it is a loving space. You will be pushed into a space of radical self-honesty, and that can sometimes feel quite scary. 2) Jessica identifies as a queer, cis, white woman, and the workshop will begin with a look into the cultural appropriation of Carl Jung's shadow work wisdom from Eastern Indian cultures, as well as a declaration of the importance of anti-racism within the space, and the limitations and shadow of a white practitioner doing this type of work.
Jessica's Background
Jessica has a BA in Philosophy, Sociology, with a certificate in LGBT/Gender Studies from the University of Wisconsin, Madison (2008). She is also a graduate of the Sky Spirit Shaman two-year intensive training program (2019), where she focused on Imagination and Shadow Work as a means for personal growth. Below are some of her performances/talks on the shadow she gave for Alchemist Theatre in 2018-2019.
For an example of how Jessica's shadow sometimes manifests within polyamory, here's a series of tweets she did on the subject: